Thursday, April 18, 2013

Case- & Object- based learning environments

This last unit focused on Cased based and Object based learning environments.  Cased-based learning methods, Cognitive Flexibly theory (CFT), and Learning objects share a similar foundation that their focus is using relative cases and stories for student learning.  They are created for students to explore cases or “lessons learned by other people” and then show how they can apply knowledge to other cases or situations.  Case based reasoning (CBR) reminds me a lot of our recent project that was classified as a Cognitive Flexibility theory.  Cased based reasoning is using old cases and prior experiences from cases read to help solve a new case.  The CFT project recently completed was set up where one must read multiple letters from different people from a southern plantation (cases) and then read current articles (new cases)  about the modern day health crises to recognize similarities.  The last question in the assignment proposed a new problem and we had to apply what we know and learned from the cases to come up with solutions.  CFT is more time consuming, but for CBR one would be able to come up with solutions quicker because of prior knowledge.  Learning Objects are actual content resources that can be used in various modules of Cased-based learning and for CFT.  Learning Objects should be reused and shared much like the resources for cased based learning.  

These learning modules require students to use high order thinking skills which is important but also very complex to create and implement.  For my students I think the main barrier would be students not understanding what is actually asked of them and how to actually complete the assignment.  The learning environment would have to incorporate a well designed interactive web module where all resources are linked and instructions provided.   I think it would be very timely to not only search for relative cases, but then to create a user-friendly web module. 

Learning objects can be tagged and shared to help in the process of designing learning modules.  Being able to share learning objects with other teachers and then possibly being able to modify for classroom instruction would be a benefit.  I also believe if I found some more basic or cases that I know I could apply to several projects throughout the semester would be very useful for me.  Students could apply that prior knowledge to new cases throughout the semester. 
I also like the idea with CFT that student examples illustrate the content in multiple contexts.  I think this is important for high school students to see and know because it will help them better relate to the real world. 

I can’t imagine these models not being a web module.  An interactive web site with all necessary attachments linked is a must.  Ning, dropbox, google drive can be used to share resources and for discussions. Weebly has been a great tool for designing interactive modules and great for organizing for high school students or younger.   Zunal is a web quest maker and your site can be created for students to read, learn, apply, and assess learning as they follow web quest instructions.