Thursday, January 24, 2013

Individualized learning-- Unit 1

Two theories are presented to help explain and define individualized learning, Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) or Keller Plan and Audio-Tutorial Method (A-T method). Both theories are self-paced and agree that motivation and positive reinforcement is necessary.  A teacher and/or tutor and technology are used to manage classes and student progress for both theories.  PSI and the A-T method also share the common principles that because students have different learning styles, schools/teachers should provide learning environments of instruction that correlates with the students’ individual learning needs. Although they share the same common principle each approach is different.

PSI  is designed with clear objectives and students only proceed through the course after mastering the previous unit. Proctors provide immediate feedback and are available for testing, re-testing, tutoring during assigned times.  Seems to me students only see proctors when they need too. Lectures are uncommon and I liked the way Robert Davis and Kenneth Ragsdell defined learning and the importance of an asynchronous learning environment for students.

PSI and the A-T method were both devised in the 1960s.  My reaction when first seeing that was they are extremely old theories and probably out of a date.  I feel like the A-T method is a big contributor to the success of distance education courses today.  The A-T method uses audio lectures and 3 various phases on instruction through a large group, independently, and small group sessions.

As a teacher the major barriers I see would simply be the continuous lesson planning for whole units at a time (requiring lots of videos) and the struggle to stay organized with students learning at a different pace. 

Not an entire course, but I believe for most of my objectives I use parts or a modified versions of the A-T model.  I may go through all 3 phases in 1 day, but it is at my pace, not self-paced for the students.  When introducing new content we are in “General assembly session”, then students work in a “small assembly session”, and then follow-up at home or in class with their own “independent study session.”  I incorporate videos in my instruction and possibly part of their group work.   The supplemental videos and resources are always linked to my web page.

As a high school teacher I don’t see that there is any way that I could use these individualized theories as their authors created them because of testing purposes.  Students are required to take midterm exams and final exams that cover course objectives.

Several web based tools are available that can help carry out these individualized learning theories using the Internet.
·         Youtube—my favorite.  For Marketing, the Sports, Entertainment, and Fashion Industry there are many supplemental videos to choose from and use for instruction.
·         Prezi
·         Voicethread
·         Windows Movie Maker